Friday, November 21, 2008

Fantasy/Reality Friday - Quips from Matthew and playdate with friends

We had the wonderful occasion this week, to have two awesome play dates. The things that make me happy.

Not only did Matthew get along awesome with his friends R and D, this week..but Mama Swan was having a good time too with "her" friends, and got to hold a beautiful and sweet four month old baby for 4 hours this week.

I used to post Matthew's wonderful quips every week, and I have been slacking to say the least.

Here are some from this week:
  1. Mommy, You are the most beautiful Mommy in the whole world, MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN A DINOSAUR.

  2. (After taking him to visit Santa at Bass Pro Shops)- Mommy, I don't think there is a Santa Claus (after we had just wrote his list) jaw dropping and trying to pick myself off the floor asked him why he would say this? BECAUSE HE DROVE A TRUCK TO BASS PRO SHOPS.

  3. I want to be a big brother. Why don't you have a girl, so I can have a sister.

  4. My Lego Tower is going to be Eleven Feet High.

  5. How Old is Grandpa P? After I told him, he said "I THINK HE IS 44."

  6. Going out to the bus this morning, he was dilly dallying on the front porch and yelling ahead to me, What is Grandpa P's First Name? What is Grandpa K's First Name? Where is Grandma P? (I reminded him she is in Heaven and that she is his angel)....HE YELLED TO ME, AND DIDN'T MOVE OFF THE STEP......................I WANT TO PRAY TO HER RIGHT NOW.
And in other wonderful moments, thank you to D's mom, she sent me a beautiful picture of Matthew's creation yesterday. He literally can just live there now, due to D and his wonderful toys:-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Italy, Italy, wedding in Italy

No it's not Fantasy Friday. It's not Remember When Wednesday either.

It possibly becoming a reality Wednesday?

You all know (I know I am talking to myself), how much FAMILIA means to me. How my son and my family with my husband as well as my immediate family is what and who makes me..who I am.

I have talked in the past about Italy and how much I would love to get there someday...way out there in the distance.

You all know how much I loved my cousin Jeanne's visit a month or so ago, and how we loved going to Boston's North End to have some Veal Picata, canoli's and cappuccino.

I'll tell you a secret...........

The other night....I got a late, late night email from my cousin Phil who was in Italy and said he saw a woman/girl there that reminded him of me and would I send him a picture. I immediately replied with nine anxious obnoxious emails and my link to my blog so he could have quick viewing of his cousin while in Italy. I was so touched that he was on that soil...and thought of his cousin.

The next day his son, also named Phil joined that group I've been distracted by. We've been catching up and again I'm loving have not only my friends on this site....but FAMILIA kitchen is now warm and full when they are online!! Like I could bake a million lasagnas and possibly some tirimisu and have them all over for coffee at the same time...squeezing into my home the way I felt that Italian love when I was growing up.

Anyway, you all know I think I have mentioned in the past how I had the most wonderful Aunt growing up. No this wasn't my fairy godmother, who is my cousin on my mother's side. This was my father's sister who shares my name...Aunt Swan:-)

She not only gave me Stairway To Heaven album by Zepplin for Christmas one year, she would have me sell her Avon...she would constantly provide the warmth. love and support that a wonderful Italian Aunt does and she was married to the most wonderful loving funny man. Unfortunately in 1982, she passed away...........but her love has always stayed in my heart.

My memories of her are tearing me up now...she was that warm of a person.

Her granddaughter (my second cousin) is now on that group. Guess where she is getting married???


in June of 2009.

She has the most awesomely planned and creative website dedicated to how her and her fiance met, there wedding plans, the wedding party and the proposal and information that their honeymoon will be in France....and awesome music playing as you enter the site.

Andre' Buccilli and Michael Buble (Both who I love).....................

It was the warmest feeling opening that site and listening to Andre's voice, looking at her happiness and feeling the love that they both share for each other.

I really am hoping with God's help and my mother helping...and even Aunt Swan and Uncle Swan helping..........and all the other saints out there....

That maybe this year for father's day will be one that my father deserves.

Money is the only reason that I'm not saying it is definite..........but maybe with some planning it can happen.


Monday, November 10, 2008

IN MY MOTHER'S WORDS - The Ten Commandments of School written late 1950's

I know my creative writing talent and awesome sense of humor comes from both sides of my family, so I thought what an awesome way to share my mother's creativity from circa late 1950's.

The picture above shows my mother on an adventure with her children (that would be me, mama swan in the glasses) and my little rambunctious bro J who was probably trying to climb over that fence..into the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful Thursday - The internet - My Mom's Birthday November 8th

Alright, this seems like a simple one, but really it is much deeper.

This week has been crazy as usual. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had joined one of those myspace type places where I could be a part of a "friendly" network and share with them.

Through this medium, there are all types of "subgroups" for everything you can imagine, quizzes, trivia, horoscopes and group for anything and everything on your mind.

I've joined a few of them.

One of them happened to be a group, that wound up being another website entirely made up of people wanting to vent and share in regards to whatever ails them...which in my case happened to be my mother's illness.

This group allowed me to set up a page, where again there are places for journals, videos, pictures, communities, friends and profile comments.

The first night I was on Eric's laptop so I couldn't upload any pictures, and only briefly set up my account. Again this is an account where only people who you invite as friends, can view. In this case, the people on the site are all related to or have themselves, the neurological disease my mom suffered from.

I set up a brief profile with a brief explanation on how I have been affected by this illness in my family. I briefly mentioned about my mother suffering for many years and with her passing in 2006. I mentioned how my brothers and I are considered at-risk, and that therefore, my beautiful miracle is at risk. I mentioned how I pray every day for a cure.

Within seconds, I had three replies from Australia, California and Canada. The first woman from Australia is now a caretaker of her husband and they just celebrated 39 years of marriage, and how she prays he will be able to be there for more. She had never heard of this disease before her husband was diagnosed, she has two sons and two grandchildren. She says she prays also for patience and that she tries to not take it out on her husband, but sometimes it was hard.

The woman from California was just married and was diagnosed. The 25 year old woman from Canada has it and is married. Her mom passed, when this woman was 17, she was diagnosed at 19. She is in assisted living with nurses and has the most positive attitude and website, full of poems, and how to deal with life with a positive attitude. She mentions that when her husband and her have children, they will use the genetic testing on the embryo's to ensure that gene is not passed down.

The next morning I had received two more welcomes, from woman both from England who have it. One has two beautiful children under 7, the other does not have children yet.

By yesterday morning, I was shaking in my shoes. I immediately thought what did I do...I'm not just sharing with the world, my horror of this illness, but people who actually have it are emailing me. Part of me, wants to remain in a fetal position about this. Since having Matthew, and since my mom's passing other than on this blog, I have put the disease out of my mind, just trying to enjoy every moment with my son and not face possibly the black whole that might be ahead.

So when someone who has it was emailing me, I shared how wonderful it is that they CAN REACH OUT, they can type, they can email and look for resources, groups, support, friends, family, poems, websites however they need to. That - that in itself is HUGE.

I told them how my father and mother didn't have that luxury. Not only was it too late, by the time my father even got a computer, but the resources in the valley weren't what they are today. Support groups, the closest physical one was in Philadelphia two hours away. There wasn't even cell phones then, to call someone for a ride.

Someone who is being a full time caretaker, doesn't have the strength to drive two hours away, organize a bus to get there, or even organize a local support group. Especially because he was a man, he wasn't into organizing support groups. So instead, there was nothing.

To this day, my father doesn't like to be involved in forums, chatting and such because he is of the old school and doesn't 'LIKE to air his laundry" but that doesn't mean he didn't need the help or just need a hug.

My point is though, for the people of today who do have to suffer with this or any other horrendous disease, there are other options and the mindset of those are growing up with technology and support around them so it is getting easier.

And for my mother's birthday I've decided in her honor, to stay apart of this group to offer the only words and cyber hugs I can. One daughter mentioned how she was her mom's caretaker and how she would go to the nursing home and just rub her arm and sing her an Irish tune. Boy did that hit me. The last day of her life, she smiled at the end. The daughter felt relief as if her mom was then running through daisies. I shared with her how my mother hung on for 3 days due to she finally had her three children in the same room, and she wasn't going to let go, how we all sang to her.

And at the end, how I told my father "Dad, she's free!! She's healthy, she's flying over us, heading out that window going to watch the sunrise with her brother and her parents and have a beer!!! SHE'S HEALTHY!!"

Happy Birthday Mom....................I love you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Manic Monday more of a Mellow Monday. Cheerios, Embarrassment and Election Day

This morning went off without a hitch and we even had twenty minutes to spare.

The alarm went off and Matthew JUMPED out of bed and went to crawl in with Eric, locking me out of my own bedroom.

But once I was ready, he got up and got ready.

We headed downstairs, him proclaiming that he wanted dry cheerios with No MILK....Telling me in a sweet little voice "They taste sweeter that way Mommy."

And then he proclaimed he wanted Hot Chocolate. I gave in. I never give him Chocolate before school, but I figured we are up early and it looks like this morning is going good, he will be okay.

Curious George this morning was about a bee sting. Matthew went to explain for the zillionth time about the time, when I was in PA that he got stung by a bee in the basement over the summer. He had thought it was an ant, and if I remember from Eric it was dead.

But somehow the stinger got him and he was okay. This morning he was re-iterating how it "DIDN'T EVEN HURT HIM."

I told him how proud I was of him, and him being so strong and brave.


He said, "Mommy!!" as he got off the chair and slid down onto the filthy floor with his clean clothes. I said, "What?" as I lifted him back up onto the chair.


I said, "What??? How honey? There is no one here but us. Who am I embarrassing you in front of?"

He said, "I just don't want you to talk like that!!"

I said, "Okay, I'm sorry for saying your strong and brave" (mumbling under my breath I won't let it happen again)

He is so funny.

The other night for Halloween, we had a unexpected surprise visit by N who we hadn't seen in three months. We took her with us.

In the backseat of the car, from his seat to hers....on the way home................he says, "N, the little girls in school don't believe I have a girlfriend!!"

Eric and I perked right up and were trying to hear.

She told him, "And you do, it's me. You need to tell them!"

He said, "I do, but they don't believe me!!"

Luckily this was at the point when we pulled into the driveway so all talk of romance, ceased.

I told him this morning, that he doesn't have school tomorrow for Election Day!!

He yelled, "Yeah!! What are we going to do??"

I said, "Well, Mommy hasn't given it much thought about you yet, but Mommy and Daddy get to go pull a lever at your school and vote for the next President Of The United States!!!"

He said, "Yeah!! Can I come?"

I said, "Sure!!"

Then I'm reading about the long lines and praying we don't get that problem, or he won't be happy.

I don't like to blog about my political views, I don't like to talk about them with friends. I live in one of the most political states, and yet I'd rather keep it to myself.

I'm just not confrontational and I don't like to have heated political discussions about politics, or even religion.

So, with that said......go out and vote!!!

I'll keep my choice to myself and hopefully our country will still be standing in January and for the next four years.

I am praying for all of us and am really looking forward to turning on the TV or the computer and not seeing anything related to campaigning.