Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well my now 4th grader, yesterday I said, "Remember my blog?"  He didn' I opened it up and showed him... and he thought me having a website all about him, was cool...........

So being that my biggest fan in my life, is okay with this told him that not only on facebook will I share with the world my love for him, but here...

He signed up for saxophone in music class this year.  He is so excited and thinks it is so cool to take the bus with his instrument.  He asked me the other day if I was ever in band, and I explained that when we were in elementry school there was no instruments, but in middle school I took flute and violin and in high school I was on the dance team that went out at half time with the band, so I couldn't do both. 

This morning, he woke me up for school, so excited that today was music day!! He went to the bus 10 minutes earlier, and would have went 30 minutes earlier if I let him...

Grandpa had a stroke a few weeks ago, so there has been alot of "stuff" going on lately for this little 9 year old to deal with and being far away, and watching his mom struggle with it all has been hard on him.

For now, we will take the good moments of music days!

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