Today is definitely going alot better than yesterday. It's funny because Manic Monday used to be a song that I loved by the Bangles (I think?). Whenever I say the words Manic Monday, I always think of going to the movies listening to that song in the car with a boy I dated at the time that was 5 feet tall. I was 6 feet. He would hold my hand with his little stubby fingers and I would think, what am I doing here? He was so nice though that at the time, I didn't want to break his heart. But I eventually did and that song became locked in my brain as our song from that moment on. It's funny how things like that happen!
Now Manic Monday has a totally new meaning to me!! One with spinning my wheels and chasing my son in circles figuratively while my not seeming to get anywhere, like a hamster in it's cage going round and round on that wheel. That's how Mondays are to me now.
But now Tuesday's. I'm going to have to come up with a name for my Tuesday's. Definitely more relaxed, more caught up and by Friday, Look OUT!! I'm so ready by Fridays and then the weekend with Daddy home.
On Sunday, Daddy had taken Matthew in his snowsuit to a playground nearby that was covered in ice. They chipped the ice off and had a fun time anyway. That night Matthew told me all that they did. He mentioned that the see-saw was broke and that a man with tools would have to fix it. I asked "Daddy?". He looked at me and said "No Mom, another man with tools named "Mac-A-Roni-Oni" very seriously.
Yesterday Matthew told me that Mr. Mac-A-Roni Oni was going to fix the see saw and that he lived in our village. I said"Oh, I didn't know we had a village?" He just rolled his eyes and said, "You go up there and turn that way and that's the village"....(hehe) I wasn't going to correct him letting him know that in this town they call it "the center".
He also has been going on about "the big, big hill". Eric took him near our library on Sunday, where there happened to be a hill good for sledding. Matthew has been talking about it non-stop since. It's HUGE MOM!!!!
This morning I knew that I was going to get out with him. I had to buy him some much needed clothes so I told him maybe we could go look at it? Maybe this week we can go?
While I was getting him dressed today. I said "Let's sing our ABC's while getting dressed. And he did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". I only had to help with L and Q, and then he sang it again by himself!!! I have never been so happy in my life. It has only taken me til he is now over 4 years old. I said "OK, Now we are going to start writing your ABC's and your name." He said, NO!!!!
(one step at a time)
We were getting ready to leave the house with all of our winter gear on that takes 5 years to put on, just to get out of the house. I said "Honey, Mommy can't wait til warm weather when we don't have to think of coats, boots, socks, gloves etc? We just got to brush our teeth before going. Mommy can't seem to find my house keys?" All the while talking to him, looking everywhere for them. We have a key holder by our front door that we hang our keys on. Matthew figured out a few months ago, that if he stands on his Time Out chair just right, he can get a key down while we are going potty, and open the bathroom door.
I literally checked every coat, my purse everywhere and I said "I wonder if Daddy took them by mistake?" He said "No, Mommy, here they are!!!!!!!" as he opened these little drawers that are hidden in a nearby table we have.....I said "OH!!! How did they get there???" I said "Is there anymore keys I should know about hidden anywhere?" He said "Yep, right here!" opening another one of those little slide out thingamajigs we have.
Finally we are getting out of the house, and I told him we are going clothes shopping and then you can show me where you saw the "big, big hill" !!! He said "OK! Can we go down it?". I said "Maybe not today, but definitely tomorrow! Mommy has to buy you clothes and then we will have lunch, but definitely tomorrow. Let's shake on it!!!".
After him screaming at The SPIDERMAN AND BATMAN UNDERWEAR THAT HE NEEDS!!!!! in the store and they had to have toys within his view!!! Mommy! Look at all this stuff!!!! We left with just one toy, a few pairs of pants, some socks and some SUPERHERO underwear.
Driving home I said "OK, are you going to show me where this big, big hill is so we can come back tomorrow?". He said, "By The Library". (I knew where it was just letting him have his moment). I drive "By The Library" and up to this fence outside of a baseball area where in the distance is a big hill. I can see why to him it looks big, to me I remember hills in PA that would have made this one like a bump in the road. I said, "Wow HONEY, THIS IS HUGE!!!"....
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