Well, I know I said this before, but THIS WILL BE A SHORT ONE!
Matthew, for the last few weeks, has been hanging on me. You know that I love him and that he can hang on me anytime, but sometimes...it does get to me. Like it is now 5 pm, he is sick of the rain, sick of having allergies for over a week now. He even said to me today "Hey Mom! Do you want to go take a nap?" He never asks me. He was up early so I knew he is beyond arts and crafts, playing with toys or watching any more shows. Earlier in the week we did our teddy bear picnic on the rug.
We need sun and warmth. We need it everyday and if not everyday then at least 28 out of 30 days a month.
I am going to start planning some vacation stuff for us as a family to at least keep us focused on the season at hand. (It feels like 40 degrees today and it is May 18th) We need a fun place to plan to go to within reason (not Disneyland-that's for February). Some place we can all have a good time at that caters to each member of the family. Any Suggestions? Somewhere close to MA?
I'm really leaning toward camping. I've only been once and as you can tell if you look at my sidebar...I really want to go again. Although I really would love to get a cheap pop up because I know this is something once we do it, that we are going to love. If we can't get a pop -up then, I want to rent a cabin in the woods or buy a good size tent for our first family ventures. I don't want another year to go by, without the memory being made.
In the meantime, the pic above is just a little something to keep us all focused that yes, summer is here...and some fishing on the lake (another thing Mommy misses) is in our reach. Daddy got to go fishing earlier this week and the only reason I'm letting you all know is because I never in my wildest dreams imagined he still had it in him, to pull out another whopper of a fishing story. I thought those days were done. In the past he would tell stories and I could nod and smile, because I was there with him...so the description of the fish THAT BIG was really the description of the fish...that big. He is that way in all of his stories. Anyway that is part of his fisherman essence. And all of his stories were true....I was there or maybe I would be on the shore with the camera or he would bring the camera. It is just his way of describing it is LARGER than life.
I hope he doesn't mind me sharing his story. He might want to start a fisherman's blog. He can always just link back to me.
Tuesday night Matthew fell asleep before 7:30. Extremely rare in this house and so I said looking at the beautiful weather and the calmness of the lake "Why don't you go out?" His birthday was the next day so I thought it was fitting for him to start enjoying it, since he has to work during the day. About 2 hours later, he comes home and tells me:
- You wouldn't believe it! I was on the other side of the islands and I casted and got my hook tangled on a log in the water. He had let the line out a lot more than usual for the narrow area of water between the islands that he was in. He got the line all tangled and wrapped under the boat and now hooked on this log in the water. He sat fidgeting and trying to at least get some of the knots now in his line...just untangling, unwrapping, la di da... once he got the line unhooked from the log, he started reeling when...HE HAD A MONSTER!!! Him sitting in the canoe, line wrapped under the canoe all tangled onto a log, and then zap!!!! HE SAID "IT WAS THE BIGGEST ONE I'VE EVER CAUGHT IN THE LAKE" HE WAS AT LEAST UP TO MY KNEE CAP".
I said "Did you keep him?" He said "No". He is a sports fisherman and is very active in catch and release. I said, if he was even bigger than the general you caught last year, maybe we should mount one, one of these days? He just looked at me like I had two heads. I mean in our basement, our sportsman lodge someday. hehe
Last night while eating his birthday cake, he was trying to tell Matthew about his catch. Matthew said, "I CAUGHT ONE TOO DADDY DOWN BY THE DOCK!!"
Eric, brought down a notch, said How Big was it? Matthew said, HOLDING HIS HANDS OUT ARM LENGTH'S ON EITHER SIDE REACHED HIS UPPER BODY UP IN THE AIR AND YELLED....THIS BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not making this up....apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And fisherman essence is in there too!
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