Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

I can't believe that today is Matthew's official 5th Halloween.

The first year being a new and thrilled mom that had finally been given the gift of a child to celebrate the holiday spirit in me and with me, I bought him two costumes. And this year is the first year since then that I only bought one. I get a little excited with him.

This morning, he was so excited when he woke up. You would think it was Christmas instead of Halloween. I wished him a Happy Halloween and he whispered and squeezed it back to me, like Christmas Morning wishing you love. He was an extra special cuddlebug this morning, making it hard for Mommy to get motivated and him ready for school. He said "Just 5 more minutes and 5 more cuddles."
He thought maybe at his Halloween party at school today that there might be skeleton cookies with sprinkles on top!!!! Extra pronunciation on the SPRINKLES ON TOP.

I will be heading early today to his school, where they will have him dressed in his Black Spiderman outfit and they will have made pumpkins with vegetable faces. It is going to be alot of fun.

Here are a few more for memories sake:

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