The appointment isn't until the middle of October, so as long as the pain stays away - fingers crossed, once these buggers are pulled, life will return to normal.
Growing up, due to my mom's illness, (famous words I use often) parenting issues such as dental care went on the back burner for my brothers and I. I don't blame anyone, because like I mentioned before my father had his world turn into a hurricane and tornado in his home, and he did the best he could.
But now with Matthew, I just want to make sure that nothing slips through the cracks.
I have to make him a dentist appointment right now. We are waiting to find out when unemployment benefits will kick in, due to Eric's contract ending.
I'm a little nervous, because my little guy lost two teeth days before starting kindergarten.
The first one happened on August 5th. He was playing with a light saver, from Star Wars and it hit him in the mouth. On the way to swimming lessons in the car, he yells "Mommy! Look!!! My tooth came out!!" I looked back and panicked as I saw blood just covering his little face and mouth, pulled the car over (ironically into a dental parking lot), to catch my breath and calm down. My babies first tooth that came out of his little mouth.
Not even two weeks later, the tooth next to it came out.
This morning, he is telling me "Mom, the other one now is loose!!" I'm like "Listen Your Only In Kindergarten!!!! Stop touching it!!!!
He also told me that when I have my surgery, I could put them under my pillow for the tooth fairy.
I wonder if she will leave me enough to cover the cost of the surgery. hmmmmm
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