Alright, yesterday morning we decided we would try to change the morning routine from getting ready downstairs after breakfast. Due to Matthew using his shirt instead of a napkin, during dinner and even after brushing his teeth, this was my best option. Feed him first, then we work on getting dressed and out the door in time for the bus. His curls and hair right now, are out of control and we need to get them cut. Not completely off, just tamed down and reshaped.
I would spritz his bed hair down with water to tame it, after he got dressed and then we would run upstairs to the blow dryer.
He said, "Mom, why don't we just get ready upstairs?" Smart little man that he is. I know that was the answer, but it was so awesome coming from him.
So, this morning, we tried it...and it's going to still need some tweaking. I think that no matter what routine we have, we still need to get up even earlier at 6:00 instead of 6:30. He is like mommy. He needs his time in the morning, to dilly dally and eat slowly, just like I need my coffee to function.
We will get this under control. He is still adjusting to this five mornings in a row, and it's a long week for him. He is also now adjusting to coming home, to Daddy being here with me. Transitions are hard enough, and now to throw in - in his mind....Daddy's home to play everyday? It's like suddenly every afternoon is a weekend, in his mind. Eric's not complaining, he loves to play with him.
They say every child needs a routine, and I've tried to make that so for him since he was an infant. No matter what the routine was at the time, he knew it and knew what to expect each day. Occasionally (I'm talking twice a year) would we vary from that routine, due to vacations or whatever, but for the most part he knew his routine, and I believe it adds to a child's disposition if they have structure and routines.
Anyway, we will get back to a routine again someday.
This morning, we were waiting for his bus and he put his right arm out and stretched it up to the sky and said "This is my cuddling arm!! When that one can't reach I cuddle you with this arm!!"
So cuddles are one routine, I'm thankful for and hope they always are there for me and him.
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