Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday Catching up with Matthew's creativity

Today I was just going to post a few things because I have been trying to keep my neck and shoulder area happy. All week last week, my body was so sore and then on Friday morning, I woke up with the worst neck pain that really wouldn't let me do anything but sit on the recliner with pillows behind my head.

Usually neck pain or a crimp in your neck goes away in an hour or so....not me...try 4 days now and I still can't turn my head to the left.

Finally yesterday I forced my self to get out and pray I only drove in a straight line to get some shopping done.

I was able to make it back safely.

This is ridiculous! I can't be "grounded" at this time of year!!
Not to mention we now have two feet of snow on the ground due to two winter storms, so scraping the ice of your car and the snow is really hard when you can't move your neck and you are in pain...

Alright enough about me.

On a lighter and happier and funnier and lovelier note. Matthew has had a wonderful week of making memories with Papa Swan, using his creative side

and helping me bake cookies (before my neck pain)

and yesterday after letting it sit overnight we attempted to finish off a gingerbread house we had hanging around from last year. It was practice for today. It is my sister in law's annual gingerbread house day with her sons and nieces and nephews that she does every year. Eric will be driving us. There is no way I could attempt Boston driving until my neck feels better.

Last Tuesday, Eric was watching Chronicle and they mentioned there was Harvard Museum Of Natural History that he had never been to in Cambridge that between certain hours on Wednesday afternoons was free to the public. He took Matthew and they had a ball.

This was a creation that he made for us with his teachers for Christmas that he insisted we both open. It is the most beautiful handmade calender for the new year. It is absolutely precious and something I as a mom, treasure so much. To have him do this, and not tell us and to have the teachers do this with him, it really is a tearjerker. Pictures to come at a later date.

Some funny quotes and antidotes from him this week:
  1. He is singing and humming Jingle Bells, and Gloria Estevan's Let It snow by dancing and putting his finger up in a John Travolta style on the emphasis of the music. He does this while making gingerbread houses, building Lego's or playing Mario.
  2. Making the Gingerbread House, he told me he wanted to add A GARAGE!
  3. Matthew: Mommy, what year was I born? I told him 2003. Matthew: It hasn't changed yet?
  4. While playing with his Lego's under the Christmas tree before school in the morning, he says "Mommy, I want to be a professional FISHERMAN when I grow up!" I told him he can do anything he puts his mind to! He said "And I want to catch trout for us for dinner!!"
  5. This morning, first words out of his mouth were: I had a nightmare that a Mexican bear was chasing me and my cousin C.
  6. Last night he fell asleep before Daddy's promised kiss and a hug, so first thing today he ran into Daddy to hug him and tell him "YOU FORGOT TO GIVE ME A HUG AND A KISS LAST NIGHT!" We assured him, he didn't forget, but he was asleep when he got them.

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