Friday, January 2, 2009

Fantasy Friday - 15 Realistic Goals for 2009

I'm hoping these fantasies will become realities:-) I was going to do one for every week, but only got to 15 before Matthew came and now I have to get off.

Life Goals and/or Family goals (not really in order):
  1. Get a job part time 30 hours, where I can still work from home, make alot of money and be there for Matthew's care and maybe even enough hours for insurance.
  2. Quit Smoking as soon as I get a job.
  3. Make sure that nothing, stands in the way of Matthew enjoying life as the "sponge" he is, while making sure we have enough money to provide him with opportunities/ lessons/teams etc.
  4. Continue to hit the library for free or discounted passes for Zoo's, museums, and all other cultural advantages for Matthew.
  5. At least one weekend a month or two at the most, visit cousins in Boston, and his grandparents, so Matthew can continue to have a loving a warm relationship with them.
  6. Plan his birthday party economically. (already working on this one)
  7. We are having Easter at our house this year! Invite both sides of the family and plan that dinner!
  8. At least during vacation time, visit cousins, Uncles and Grandpa in PA and if we have time, our hearts and arms are open to all other visits while there.
  9. Start Cooking more home made dinners. I got out of the habit when Eric would work late nights and was only cooking for Matthew and me, now hard to get back into it. Need to have my elbow room back.
  10. Eat Veggies (raw) instead of french fries and snacks. Stop buying them altogether and readjust Matthew's palate to raw healthy food, instead of french fried everything.
  11. Instead of sending emails...limit my time on computer other than a job and morning blogging, pick up the phone and call friends and family.
  12. Go to church every week!!!
  13. In between my new (hopefully) job, blogging, calling people and eating healthy, have friends and family over for games, for dinners, for coffee or tea, for whatever so Matthew can have his friends as well over and experience life on his turf:-)
  14. Cut down on my cleaning. The above number #13 can't happen if I'm constantly doing laundry, worrying about the counters, the clutter etc..... It's more important that the house be dirty and he have more "fun" than My being overwhelmed with cleaning bathrooms and laundry and making beds...then being so have anyone over and take a shower, come last and sometimes I'm too tired.
  15. Make sure that we are eating veggies and healthy so I have more energy.

Might add to this another day....


Anonymous said...

It seems a little more than I need to check the information, because I was thinking: Why does not my GLOG these things!

Anonymous said...

....about a mother's little boy making the coments, he made, " Why did you have me if you don't want me?" I know he didn't mean it, you also know very well he didn't mean it was his litle boy ideas of manipulating is a normal response. Try your best to explain to him that you do LOVE HIM with your whole heart as you know he loves you back and that for all actions like using his hands aginst another classmate...that there are lessons to be learned. Sounds like a loving son who will always be there for you later on in life....when sometimes the child becomes the parent.