Well, it's officially 80 degrees and sunny today! The little things that make me happy. Although the yellow jackets in my garage are monstrous and they scare the heck out of me.
I wish there was a way to have warm weather without bees, wasps and other horned and nasty stinging insects.
We have lived on our lake for 12 years and for some reason the last few years the insects, bugs and beetle life have become so huge to me, that I think there is something in the lake water. I have run from some bugs that literally freeze me in my tracks. I'm not that much of a wimp. I will kill something if I have the advantage. I don't know what I'm dealing with and I have a son to protect from whatever bites by whichever bug feels like biting. (say that 3 times fast)
I have been getting library books for us on bugs so Matthew and Mommy can see what I need to know about, but it is impossible to know all of them. The bees are easy for me and I am so afraid of them. I was stung when I was younger, by many.
One year we were swimming in one of my best friend's from childhood (will call her CareBear) pool. I was lounging in the pool on a float and a bee landed right on my big toe. We always would scream and make loud noises so when I started screaming that this bee was on my toe, CareBear's mom, literally just blocked out the sound. Until I think I finally said, Hey!! This isn't playing around this time!! So, she came and put mud on it and that was that. I got a few more from running around the neighborhood barefoot because I liked to do that.
More recently I was stung, last fall when I ran home after dropping Matthew off at preschool. I came home and went into my garage and there was a hive right over the door, that literally attacked me and I almost had to rip off my long sleeve shirt right in my front yard, to get them all out of my shirt. I wound up having a couple of stings on my wrist and arms.
I don't want to be afraid of them, for Matthew's sake to not put that fear in him, but until we can figure out about all of the bugs/beetles etc on the lake, I have no choice. Not to mention the mosquitoes. Last year in MA, they had to stop all night time sports games and practice's due to a little boy who died from encephalitis or the West Nile Virus. It scares the life out of me, that we live on a lake and that in itself just adds to the danger with mosquitoes.
Well Daddy took the day off today so we can get some things done together around the house. Enjoy the weather!!
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