This morning my friend TwinsMom called and asked if we wanted to come over to play and to bring Matthew's bike. Unfortunately, Daddy left his helmet in his truck that he took to work, so we brought along Matthew's tricycle instead.
He had the best time sharing his tricycle with the twins and pushing them along (it has one of those long handles in the back). It was so cute to see him having so much fun in their drive way. Another first for Mommy. His first bike ride with his little friends. We had never gone over there before to bike ride. We love going over there to play though, so it is always fun.
I was thinking later how he is almost 5 and that is the age I was when I met my friend CareBear. It's hard to believe that I was his size when we met.
My father built a new home for us in 1973. We moved in and one day I was riding my little bike with a basket and streamers on the handlebars, when I rode up to this big tree on the corner of the street. There was this little girl on this bike and it had her name in stickers on it. We have been friends ever since. She lived a few houses up from me and she has been like a sister to me my whole life. Her parents were always so loving and wonderful to me and when we moved when I was 16 from the area, they threw me the best surprise party with all of the kids in the neighborhood (not to mention a boy I had a 3 year crush on).
It's something how something like riding a bike, can make life long friendships and how the childhood friends you make are the ones that stand by you throughout your whole life. They may not be around the corner, they might not even talk to you for a few months, but if we pick up the phone and actually get the opportunity, it is like we are still under that tree on our bikes. That bond we created is forever there and can't be broken. It only happens with real friends though. I had other friends from my childhood that didn't leave a lasting impression on my heart. Carebear and I had our moments, but her heart was always pure and her parents were the same way. They even came all the way to Boston for my wedding. That is something that touches you. I still give her a hard time because they missed the wedding with traffic, but I'll never forget after the long day of the photographer telling me to smile, walking into this room where we had our reception, and there she was with a smile, tears in her eyes and a hug. So proud to share my day and I was so proud and happy to have her there.
I wish that we saw each other more, but she started to realize over the last few years my dilemma when I would visit PA when my mom was in the nursing home and how difficult splitting up my time down there was for me. She and K share the same trait in that regard. K always understood and never judged me when she knew I couldn't "fit" her in for lack of a better word. It really isn't an appropriate word though. Fit sounds like a shoe you are trying to squeeze your big feet into. Pieces of my heart and soul were not able to be nurtured when I couldn't keep my heart in one piece. Like someone constantly taking out parts of your heart and soul and putting them back together, here and there after awhile they become worn out and tattered, from years worth of neglect to my heart/my soul/my friendships. Does that sound right?
CareBear over the last year has been struggling with something that I don't think she wants me to talk about. So out of respect for her and her struggles I won't. I just want her to know that she is my heart and soul and that I am always with her in my heart and in my mind. One of these days, these two friends are going to have to make time for a little bike ride just the two of us around Lake S.... Or even just under that tree...
Love you CareBear.
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