Well, this week I'm slacking in the blog department. I'm just so tired. Matthew had another fever on Tuesday and now another cold, that again Mommy now has, so with Eric out of town, I'm tired. And now the weather today isn't helping any.
I was lying with Matthew on my bed earlier and I couldn't understand why my bones were aching so bad, and then I heard the rain and remembered oh yeah, it's raining. It happens whenever it rains and sometimes it starts a day earlier to give me an advanced weather report within my body.
I said to Matthew "Mommy's bones are achy!!!" He said "Mine are achy too Mommy". Like an old man, instead of a 4 year old.
He is so funny. Last night as I was trying to get him to sleep, he said "Sing me a hullaby Mommy". Now, since the day he came home from the NICU I could never get him to like my singing him lullaby's, at least not while he was screaming or had colic. He didn't want any part of my singing. I was so disappointed considering I had been dreaming about singing to my own child some day, and now he didn't like my singing. The only thing at those times, were Daddy's arms holding him in a football hold and swaying him back and forth. He preferred Daddy's rocking to mine.
Regarding my singing to him, there were rare times, when he was content to let me get through a whole song. Last night he let me sing him a whole lullaby!!! And HE FELL ASLEEP TO IT!!!! yeah!!!
Well, I am really disappointed that I missed my Remember When Wednesday. I was so proud of myself that I was sticking to my theme and reaching into the depths of my soul to get it all off my chest. I'll make it up next week.
In the meantime, I uploaded some more pics today on Flickr. I thought as I was going through some of them, that my little boy is such a little boy!!! ALL BOY!
I am going to leave you all with a BOYS WILL BE BOYS chuckle. The pictures above show a story of a little angel, who just couldn't help being a little boy and get into a little trouble. And if you notice, he is wearing his jail stripe pajamas.
Since we moved back into our addition in May 2005 I had displayed a nice Raggedy Ann Collection that I never had room for before. I don't have a large collection, but some nice dolls that I love and were gifts to me. One day in November 2006, I came down from doing laundry and this is what I found. The Raggedy Ann dolls have since been hiding in my closet, out of his reach and unfortunately out of my Mommy's view.
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