Thursday, July 12, 2007

5 years anniversary of those last "shots in the butt"

I have alot on my mind today and it is racing with emotion.
I probably won't be blogging the next few days so I wanted to take some time out to remember a very important date to Eric and myself.
On July 15Th, 2002 I was inseminated with my frozen embryo that wound up becoming Matthew.

That time of my life was filled with so many ups and downs that I really should blog more about it. It would have been wonderful therapy for me at the time to have had my blog then. The roller coaster of emotions of infertility is something that I think will stay with you forever, regardless of whether you had success or not, regardless of years or months of infertility.

It does such a number on a woman's soul and heart and mind, that I don't think I will ever recover from those years lost. I thank God everyday that my gain came in the end, but for those years lost in between it was like losing yourself year after year, month after month.
Only when you find another woman friend who has possibly faced the same challenges that you can relate, do you find any hope of having comfort and providing comfort in return. That is how us women get through all of life's obstacles....finding other women to relate to and therefore finding friends and support.
Matthew was well worth the shots in the butt and all of those years of emotional pain. Just one more chance for me to let everyone know I am still that girl who wanted that baby so bad...and NOW WE HAVE HIM that is something to smile about.

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