Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What Is This World Coming To?

Alright, I know I have been warned from staying away from watching the news in the past, but I'm sorry, when disaster happens, I feel it for every person that is suffering. I always think of those moms, those families, those babies, those dads...just like us -they are all human with the same dreams.

Yesterday I was horrified as I watched CNN update on the wildfires in San Diego. I quickly went to my friend Debbie at A Charmed Life who lives in that area and Thank You God she is right now in Florida, struggling with other horrible life challenges while juggling a little girl and her father with Alzheimer's returning from Sicily. I am always checking out her blog and updating myself on how things are going in her life but am always in a rush to comment or Matthew will be screaming in the background for something and so I'll say - later ...I'll get back to her. I do that alot and then I don't get back but not because I don't want to let them know I'm listening..because I'm always so distracted.

Debbie here is a big hug..put those Italian arms around yourself and squeeze. I hope you survive everything you are facing with the strength that I know you have.

I am praying for all of those families in CA, along with the families across the country that face devastation every day either man made or Mother Nature related.

Just to keep you all posted. I'm a nervous mom and Matthew after visiting his pediatrician yesterday is ok..just a coincidence of a cold and fever at the same time MRSA was hitting his school. The bite is still unknown but at this time nothing to be concerned about.

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