Sunday, March 4, 2007


Just thought I would take the time to catch up on my blogging again for the purpose of Matthew. I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I typed about him:-) This year is going by fast now.
I am so happy though that March is here and that next week we will be setting our clocks ahead. So happy to have one more hour of daylight and that much closer to warm weather...YEAH!
When I was in PA last week, Matthew and Daddy built the snowman in the picture I uploaded today. As you can see it was a little more of the leaning tower of snowman by the time I took the pic, ironically 2 hours later it was history. He was so bummed out, because last year the snowman they built had more leaves than snow in it and that lasted only 2 hours total! This one at least lasted a few days longer:-)

We thought we would be getting snow though the following day and assured him, don't worry we'll rebuild him again. Guess what! No snow and yesterday 50 he has spring fever like Mommy and I think he has temporarily forgotten about his friend. Yesterday we were driving back from a playground and in the sky the clouds were awesome with the sun shining through the back of them outling white with the middles more darker...not knowing he knew this he says...Wow Mom!!! Look Rain Clouds!!! LOL

I'm are so smart! It's awesome to me to see that sponge in him taking everything in and also finally being able to share it back with what he is retaining. Still won't get over his stubborness though to share the abc's or count with me...Anyway, though the other night I was giving him dinner and I was in a decent mood singing out (for some reason?) uno, dos, thres, quatro (like beginning of Santana song) when I gave him his plate.....he then said "CINCO!".... You could have picked me up off of the floor.

I'm like what else do you know from Dora/Diego or Seseme Street that you aren't sharing????

Let's do the abc's....typical, NO! I don't know how to get it out of him! I think I've mentioned in the past that he knows them and sometimes sings them, or sometimes counts...but it's been so long now that I also know that by not practicing them is not helping the matter.

I've tried doing counting or books with him to write his letters and after just doing one word or a few letters, he literally said to me one day "Mom, I need a nap, this making me tired"!!!!!!

HE'S only 4!!!! Part of me feels like, he is only 4 give him time...the other part of me is HE'S ALMOST 5 AND OTHER 4 YEAR OLDS AND 3 YEAR OLDS ARE OUT THERE DOING IT NO PROBLEM, why can't I get him to co-operate with me? I'm getting off track from what I was posting about today though.
I just wanted to say that this morning, when he woke up he looked out our bedroom window at the lake and said, "It's spring!! but the lake has ice? but the grass a little green?" Like he was somehow grasping the two seasons coming together and how beautiful it all looked and to see that excitement in his eyes and in his voice, was enough to get me through the next few weeks. It's going to be so much fun sharing this year with him.
We are now signing him up for two six week sessions at a nearby town for Sundays and Friday's though that offer swimming lessons and a 123 pre-school program (one hour long). Just to get him used to the setting again, having friends in his life and also for the swimming because we live on a lake and it is one major safety issue my husband and I agree on.
Well, I better get off now or I'll never stop....keep your eyes open though because I just uploaded some more pics from today that will have everyone laughing:-) Will probably get to it later tonight:-) LOL

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