Friday, March 23, 2007

To Blog Or Not To Blog...That is the question.

For some reason, I know it will be strange but I don't think I am going to blog today. Other than my little ones earlier.

I spent the last hour or so reading the millions of mom blogs out there and I just really love some of the names of them.

But now I think my eyes are crossing and I am going to get Matthew ready for bed. Matthew now sitting next to me at the kitchen counter, wants me to tell the world "I WANT TO GO TO BED BY MYSELF" like a big boy:-) lol

But first he wants me to tell you all about when we came home earlier from the playground and ToysREX (Toys' R' Us). He wants me to tell you about all of the mud in our yard from the snow melting. It is a big muddy mess and he just had the big need to shovel a garden and throw the mud up in the air almost coming down on his head, all before coming in the house and just after getting a new toy and going to the playground. And Mommy wants to tell all the other Mommies out there about how Matthew's Strawberry Milk spilled all over the floor as I opened our front door. Combined with Mud you can understand why it being only 7 pm that I'm tired... LOL

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